The Ancient Order of Hibernians Fr. Con Colbert Woulfe Division 1 Ulster County 

publishes a Newsletter every month so our members can keep current with the many activities of Division 1 and the Ladies Ancient Order Of Hibernians Ulster County Division 5. 
From the St. Patrick's Parade, The AOH Pipes, Drums and Honor Guard Band, The Hooley on the Hudson™, The Irish Show on WKNY1490 AM Radio, The AOH Softball Team, The AOH Baseball Trip, The Halfway to St Patrick's Day Party, Irish Cultural Center Hudson Valley, Currach Boat Club,
The Ulster County AOH Feed The Hungry Project and a myriad of other events.

The Fr. Con Colbert Woulfe Division 1 Ulster County is intimately in involved in the yearly activities of the Hudson Valley region.

Enjoy our newsletter presented here in pdf format.The Ancient Order of Hibernians Fr. Con Colbert Woulfe Division 1 Ulster County 

publishes a Newsletter every month so our members can keep current with the many activities of Division 1 and the Ladies Ancient Order Of Hibernians Ulster County Division 5. 

AOH and LAOH Monthly Newsletters

February 25 Newsletter.pdf